Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Welcome Back Potter!!!


So... I'm not gonna lie... I'm a big nerd. I love the H.P. books... so when my awesome hubby of mine brought me a flier for Welcome Back, Potter I was like...when are we going?

The show is about Larry Potter (you gotta buy rights people... and the HP rights don't come cheap), Herninny, and Won post school. Herininy and Won, stay at the school and teach, while Larry... opens a bed and breakfast.
I mean really... how great. This sounds amazing...

The audience gets to boo and cheer and hoot and holler.
And look how cute the above picture is...thats the theater...
Its perfect for an evening out with your best boy or girl...go early grab a drink sit out on the water, go see a spoof of a boy and his broom, and you have a complete evening.

Wanna see some of the show? Here you go.

The show runs through May 3rd, at the All American Melodrama Theater in Long Beach.
Tickets are $20 for adults
$18 for students and seniors
$14 for kids

So, call this number for reservations: 562.495.5900

And, here is the website for more information

1 comment:

  1. I love the H.P. books too and this sounds awesome :) There never seems to be anything cool in Florida. Unless you think gators and bugs are cool. Which I don't.
