For those of you who are like me... have like 5 things going on on Halloween (Saturday Oct. 30) and nothing goin on the rest of the weekend.... you kinda want to spread the love around...
So.. here is something to do on Friday Oct. 29!!!!
Night Dive at the Aquarium.
This is not for the kiddies, its 18+. Alcohol will be sold, and there will be dancing and you can check out the aquarium!!!
I have never been to any of the night events...and am really excited to check out all the animals at night.
Oh... and since this is a Halloween event... dressing up is encouraged!!!!!
This is gonna be so much fun...
oh and tickets are only $11.95.
Oh and check out their website for more info on other events at the Aquarium, they got some good stuff coming up.
What an amazing venue for a Halloween party!! wow, i wish i could go to this, it is so cheap as well!