Friday, June 12, 2009


Tomorrow at the crack of dawn, the hubby and I fly to Mississippi for his reunion!!!!
Then.. we fly back.

It should be fun... we got the hubby an amazing Calvin Klein suit that he looks awesome in.
and I got a cute little dress that matches (we didn't plan it, trust me... I tried on a lot of dresses... color was my last concern)
his suit. So... my plan is to be so Californian that people want to be as cool as we are!!!!

Dear god... please let them have put more money into then the people who wrote in sharpie on the sign above.

Apparently I have a reunion sometime this year as well... but we will see if anyone wants to see each other enough to plan one... I think they are just intimidated by my success. We will see if one comes to light... I have fears if it does its going to be in the gymnasium with a punchbowl and a bunch of folding chairs. Fingers crossed that I don't have to sneak a flask and a lazy boy in. Ill bring my ipod if that helps? (can you picture it... me carrying a lazy boy in... haha that image makes me laugh, in my head I have heels on... and some sort of crazy 80's updo....) Oh I make myself laugh...
I think its cause I am between film projects and don't see a lot of people so I have to entertain myself... and I have gotten really good at entertaining myself.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!!!!!
Go out into the world and have fun!

1 comment:

  1. Its really bugging me that Karen made a big deal about saying she was the one who got to plan it and we still haven't heard anything. At this point, unless it is at Christmas time, I won't be able to go to it. And I'm bummed because I've been looking forward to the reunion.
